

Dams are like icebergs – they hold water and what you see is just but a tenth of the story. We help dam engineers figure out the other nine. A site may look perfect – just the right river morphology to hold the dream reservoir. Yet the dam engineer needs data on the flow regime, on silt yield, the dam foundation integrity, seismicity, slope stability, materials for dam type, foundation preparation requirements (stripping, grouting, fixing, etc.), spillage. Often, depending on the data that we provide, dam locations are changed or design changes are effected. We theretofore understand the critical nature of the information derived from our site investigations and strive to do a thorough job while at it.

Small hydro dams require unique solutions and these too have benefitted from our expertise. Such include the Siit, Sosio, Mutunguru, Chemosit and the Mwikhupo-Mwibale low head mini hydro.

We install dam monitoring equipment as well. See our Solutions Page for how we have shaped dam stories in the past.